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Meet the Steering Committee
President: Steve Malla, Wellness Manager, White & Case, LLP
Vice President: Nicole Kelly, Chief Executive Officer, Gulfcoast North Area Health Education Center, Inc.
Sponsorship Manager: Trish Blocker, Certified Worksite Wellness Specialist, Wallace Welch & Willingham
Social Media Manager: Wendy Weaver, Corporate Wellness
Communications Manager: Brittany Lynn, Account Manager, Personify Health
Meetings Coordinator: Jen Bickel, Sales Director, Vitality Group
Meetings Coordinator: Eugene Honrath, Director of Business Development, Health and Wellness Professionals Inc.
Meetings Coordinator: Rachel Bozith, Project Analyst - Community Health and Wellness, Tampa General Hospital
Meetings Coordinator: Jeanmarie Scordino, Account Manager, BayCare Health System
Meetings Coordinator: Cheryl Murphy, Wellness Manager, Hillsborough County Government
Meetings Coordinator: Kim Farmer, Owner, Mile High Fitness & Wellness